Trust is built by many small actions over time.
The trust our team has given each other & received from our clients has us celebrating 6 years ! This is quite a milestone for any small business as we know most small businesses do not make it past year 5.
The odds are even harder in the real estate industry where the swings of the market create exodus and turn over. We stand with our heads high, our hearts glowing with gratitude and souls filled
with devotion as we take a moment to look back at the past and the future ahead.
The culture of servanthood and professionalism has been a key as we have embodied a unique vision to be a true change in the industry. Our team has been blessed
by incredible humans that have powered us through. While so many focus on the # of transactions- we have made sure to focus on our team and as a tribe
come better together to be present with each and every client through true education and awareness about wealth building. Through true relationships - our clients are our friends, are our community & are our Forza promise.
Thanks for an incredible 6 years to our team, our families, friends, clients, vendors, KW and above all to our heavenly father!
Keep an eye on your inbox for our 6th Annual Client Appreciation party!!!